Duct tape has very big crafting criteria for jewelry and fashion crafts which can be synthesized personally in home. We have tries to raise the ring styles with this handcrafted DIY duct rose ring, a cozy and chic duct tape jewelry. Duct tape in any vibrant color can be tweaked and twisted with hands to make a DIY duct tape rose miniature first.
Then add glue to adhere it on the ring top to be in any of your lovely finger for toned up behavior and action of your hand. Go with measured values with ruler or measuring tape to make a bunch of tiny flowers in versatile hues and tints, to wear a new one with at every new stylish morning. A scissor would be the perfect tool for this whole embellishment and substantial finger art. The metallic rings to any size can be found from any jewelry shop or store to make them beautified with duct tape rose on the top.
Note: Remove the duct tape with your finger tips only not with whole fingers; it would be a nice tip to handle it without any hitch or trouble.
- Duct tape (in any vibrant color)
- Scissors
- Ruler
- A working space