There are a lot of things which you can do by your own self and you realize it when you sit idle for some days. Such as if you get a vacation from workplace, you would sit and think what could you do best to pass your time.
Well, making something for yourself or for your kids would be a useful way to invest your energy. I decided to make a pencil case from the duct tape which I had since long. There was no use of the duct tape so I bought a pencil case with the separate zipper and attached it with the black duct tape from all sides.
It looks amazing and my kids can use it as their new duct tape pencil case back to their school. I can make more and with different colors which can look attractive and they are inexpensive as well.
Material your will be needed:
The supplies are just so easy to find and are highly accessible even you can find them in home too.
- 2 Sheets of Duct Tape
- 10″ inches Zipper
- Craft Knife
- Scissor
- Self Healing Mat
First secure the zipper in the edges of the duct tape sheet mold into a rectangular case shape. The whole work needs a perfect working space for which the self healing mat will work great.
After holding tight the zipper in between the edges of the duct tape, hold your craft knife and take some extra duct tape in any color (we have used the black) to secure the edges.
Trim the edges with scissor and your are done to have a handmade beautiful pencil case which can also be creatively moved to be a iPod or iPad pouch.