Here we are with a very nice sharing of DIY duct tape crafts which is totally based on useless stuff. We have found a utility purpose through some chip bags which usually end up in dumpster or garbage bin. We have made a DIY duct tape chic bags tote which can be used for shopping and storage of things. Such and unexampled behaviors of common and unworthy objects come to you after a lot of creative thinking.
We have also got this DIY duct tape dresses from the internet and shared it with your to plan something extraordinary from ordinary things. Duct tape is a great adhesive and now has become a great center of attention of the people around the world due to its highly quality products and duct tape handbag. If you are too having interest in duct tape crafting then this DIY duct tape bag tutorial will be best to learn the basics of its crafting use.
You can use chip bags of any brand having some thickness to avoid the unwanted creases and twists in our targeted tote. We have used two chip bags for front and back having relatively more width, and two narrow sizes have been used for other size of the tote.
Just after aligned them in perfect positions we stapled the sides to have an enclosed shape of tote. We have added mini pack of chip bag at the bottom and stapled it too along the sides.
After having a raw closed shape of tote we secure the edges of it with duct tape and trimmed the excess of duct tape. It also provided some thickness to edges to not to be easily molded.
Then we layered the duct tape strips according to the size of our tote and provided the handles. Fix the edges of the handles inside and remove the unwanted edges.
Now fix the duct tape again on the handle ends to get them tightly held to a secure position and a enjoy this very low budget duct tape tote. Spend less than ten minutes from your worth time and make a copy of this DIY duct tape inspiration.
We have also make the duct tape projects, duct tape flowers and roses and many knockout duct tape projects having great performance and services.